Emmanuel's Voodoo Spells

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Voodoo?

Voodoo is a spiritual and magical tradition with roots in Africa, Haiti, the rest of the Caribbean, and the United States. Many people consider only the spiritual or the magical elements - they view it as a dichotomy of spiritual religious practices and magical spells. However, Voodoo is both. Voodoo is the source of many powerful magic spells. It is also the synthesis of those spells with a way of life that enriches and promotes the health and life of its practitioners.

Is Voodoo Real?

Voodoo is very real. Not only is Voodoo the source of many real magical spells, but Voodoo is a tradition that has sustained people all around the world for centuries. It has passed the test of time and is still recognized as the source of many of the world's most powerful spells. However, the best way for you to find out if it is real is to try it for yourself.

What is a Houngan?

A Houngan, also spelled Oungun or Ongun, is a Voodoo Priest. Literally, this is derived from a Haitian Creole term meaning "Spirit Master." The term denotes the ability of the Houngan to communicate with the multitude of spirits, or Lwa, that reside in the unseen world. The Houngan is the highest ranking individual in the Voodoo tradition, and each community, or Hounfor, will have its own Houngan. Houngan refers to males, while the female equivalent is a Mambo or Manbo.

What is a Bokur?

A Bokur is a essentially a black magician, or someone who casts curses, hexes, and other harmful spells. Most Bokurs are in fact Houngans, but not all Houngans are Bokurs. What this means is that some ordained Houngans will cast harmful spells - taking on the role of the Bokur, but some also refuse to do so. Bokur is essentially the title given to the Voodoo Priest who is practicing black magic at the time.

Who are the Lwa?

Lwa, also spelled Lwa, are spiritual beings that intercede between God and man, and between the spiritual and physical worlds. Most Lwa are very helpful, but some can be mischievous and tricky to deal with. It should be noted that Lwa are not good or evil per se, as with the angel and demon paradigm found in many religions.

However, the existence of Lwa is reflected in the religious literature of the world. For example, in the Bible there are many references to angels, or messengers, helping mankind. Additionally, there are references to angels being sent by God to punish and harm people, such as God sending an angel to kill Balaam. Similar divine forces that can be helpful or destructive are found in virtually all world religions; the Mahabharata of Hinduism illustrates how protective or destructive divine forces intercede with human affairs for both life and death.

Voodoo Lwa should therefore be viewed in this perspective - they are not mere good or evil spirits, but powerful intermediaries between man and God that can be petitioned to help you, to add additional power to spells, to protect, and to guide.

In the Bible, the story of Elisha the Prophet talks about an invisible world. Elisha was about to be captured, but then God opened his eyes and he was able to see an entire invisible army that would come to his aid. The term Les Invisibles is used in Voodoo to refer to this invisible world - and this invisible world is inhabited by and made up of the Lwa.

If you are interested in this, make sure to visit the About the Lwa section for more information.

Do people who practice Voodoo believe in God?

The vast majority do. However, Voodoo is not dogmatic. You do not have to believe in a single God, multiple Gods, or any God at all to take advantage of Voodoo. Voodoo has helped people from every spiritual tradition and does not discriminate against you or your beliefs.

Can Christians (or other religions) use Voodoo?

There is a common saying in Haiti: Haiti is 70% Catholic, 30% Protestant and 100% Voodoo.

There is nothing contradictory between Christianity and Voodoo. Many Voodoo practitioners do identify as Christians. Similarly, Voodoo has been very comfortably embraced by Hindus. People of all spiritual paths and walks of life can benefit from Voodoo. Nothing in Voodoo requires people to transgress their own spiritual beliefs or convictions. Voodoo is a syncretic tradition and as such is not inherently in conflict with any other religion or spiritual path.

Can anyone learn to do Voodoo by themselves?

Absolutely - anyone can learn to do Voodoo. However, not necessarily by themselves. To develop any level of proficiency in Voodoo, there are a series of formal initiations. More importantly, it takes many years to develop the skills and abilities necessary to practice the spell casting elements of Voodoo successfully.

Is Voodoo bad or evil?

Voodoo is not bad in any way. However, if you cast a curse on someone it can be harmful for the person who becomes cursed. Clearly that is the point of the curse! This is the only fashion that Voodoo can be harmful. Voodoo is not dangerous or unpredictable, and poses no risk of collateral damage to you whatsoever.

Will Voodoo hurt me?

Absolutely not! Voodoo will not hurt you in any way. The exception would be if someone cast a curse on you - that could hurt you. However, for you to practice Voodoo or purchase any spells here will not hurt you. Emmanuel ensures that all of his clients are well protected, and Voodoo poses no danger to the client in any fashion.

What do the different casting types mean?

Emmanuel offers three different casting levels at three different prices. These are complete, advanced, and detailed. The complete spells should not be viewed as basic - these are truly complete Voodoo spells. Nothing is missing and these spells are guaranteed to elicit results

Advanced and detailed spells require more energy, more time, and are significantly more powerful. These spells utilize closely guarded secrets given to Emmanuel by his ancestors. Most people do not need these additional levels, but it isn't uncommon for an issue to be severe enough to warrant them. You will know best what level you need, but you are also invited to contact Emmanuel if you would like assistance deciding.

Where did Voodoo come from?

Historically, Voodoo came from Africa. This makes Voodoo one of the world's oldest magical traditions, and its influences are found in religions and spiritual practices all over the world. In fact, as long as the world has existed Voodoo has existed as well! We just didn't necessarily always call it Voodoo, or recognize it as such.

Voodoo was transported to the Western world with colonization and slavery, and quickly spread throughout the Caribbean and the Americas. Today, Voodoo is embraced by people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and walks of life. Everyone can benefit from Voodoo - it is not restricted to one type of person alone.

How do Voodoo dolls work?

When most people think of Voodoo dolls it involves sticking pins into them. This is not entirely unwarranted - you can stick pins into some types of Voodoo dolls to harm your enemies. This is a feature of Louisiana Voodoo and also of Hoodoo. However, the majority of the time Voodoo dolls are used for positive things. They channel the energy of multiple spells toward a goal - this makes them more powerful than any single spell! People use Voodoo dolls to bring money, luck, love, and anything else they might desire.

Voodoo dolls have roots in the poppet, a Haitian Creole term literally meaning puppet. Poppets are very similar to Voodoo dolls in makeup; only the purpose varies. Voodoo dolls are used to help a client, while poppets are used during Voodoo rituals by the Houngan. The different types of dolls and poppets used in Voodoo certainly show how the diversity and uniqueness of this tradition is far wider than most realize!

Am I cursed?

The vast majority do. However, Voodoo is not dogmatic. You do not have to believe in a single God, multiple Gods, or any God at all to take advantage of Voodoo. Voodoo has helped people from every spiritual tradition and does not discriminate against you or your beliefs.

Are there different types of Voodoo?

The vast majority do. However, Voodoo is not dogmatic. You do not have to believe in a single God, multiple Gods, or any God at all to take advantage of Voodoo. Voodoo has helped people from every spiritual tradition and does not discriminate against you or your beliefs.