A list of all Emmanuel's Voodoo Spells.
All Voodoo Spells
Love Spells
Love Spells by Houngan Emmanuel
A spell of Erzulie Freda Dahomey, the powerful love Lwa, designed to reunite separated lovers. Get your lover back today.
Custom love spells for every situation. No matter what trouble you face, the Lwa can help. Contact Emmanuel today and see what is available for you.
The power of Erzulie Dantor can be brought upon your love interest to make them focus completely on you. A spell that can be used on anyone you truly desire to be with.
A traditional Voodoo binding spell for ensuring your lover stays faithful, close and secure. Be certain you never lose them.
Drive away unwanted influences on your relationship with the power of the Petro Lwa. Used to end affairs, stop infidelity and thwart cheating.
By asking Maman Brigette and Erzulie Freda Dahomey, Emmanuel can find your true love. The quintessential spell for finding the person right for you.
For any relationship in trouble. Fix issues, restore love and make your relationship whole. Perfect for bringing back the original passion.
When you’re absolutely sure that they’re the one for you. This spell can turn a relationship into a marriage. Used to seal the deal.
Samedi and Erzulie Dantor will be used to make you seductive and irresistible. Used to attract anyone.
Protection Spells
Protection from and removal of curses, hexes and spiritual attacks.
Custom Voodoo services for protection designed for you. Every case is different, contact Emmanuel to see what Lwa will help you.
A binding used to stop anyone from causing you spiritual and emotional harm. Prevent anyone from cursing or using spells on you.
Break and undo any form of rootwork. End any binding, arresting or stunting spells. Break your spiritual chains.
A spell to remove any curses placed on your lineage or bloodline. Undo hidden spiritual afflictions, protect your family.
For curses involving evil spirits. Banish evil spirits and harmful spiritual forces. Ward your life from evil attacks.
A traditional protection spell used for the entire family. Stop malicious people and bad actors from targeting your loved ones.
Curses, Hexes and Fixes
Voodoo is known for holding many of the most powerful curses.
A powerful Voodoo of Ti-Jean Petro and Sousson-Pannan to bring maximum harm upon an enemy. Not to be used lightly.
Money Spells
Voodoo for Money, Wealth and Success
The powers of the Lwa Ayizan and Chango, whose domains are finances and luck, will be used to end your debts and bring you money.
The powerful Lwa Ayizan and Danbala will be called upon to make your financial goals a reality with a custom spell.
A spell to improve your life – find a better career, make more money, have more friends, improve a skill, and more. Custom to your goals.
End a streak of bad luck. A Voodoo spell to end bad fortune and bring good fortune. Drive away unlucky spirits and energies.
It is your turn to win. The quintessential spell for all games of chance. Boost your luck and bring a big win.
End workplace troubles. Attain greater success, earn more or be promoted. Stop bad coworkers or bosses.