

7 Steps To Get The Best Results From Spell Work

How to make sure your spell has the best chance of success. 1. Pick someone you trust and have faith in. When you have a spell cast on your behalf, it is very important that you trust the person you are working with and that you are confident in their ability to help you. This..

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Understanding Papa Legba’s Veve

I have just finished the article on Papa Legba. Please feel free to check it out if you would like to learn more about this Lwa. I wanted to give a quick graphical explanation of Papa Legba’s veve here and what it means: Legba is the Lwa who holds the keys to the spiritual world…

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A frequent question: “Am I Cursed?”

Have you ever asked yourself if you are cursed? The first symptom of a curse may be asking this very question. When someone is under spiritual attack, when they are suffering from the effects of a curse or a negative spell, they tend to know it intuitively. This is extra true for anyone who is..

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When To Use A Revenge Spell

It’s no secret that the Voodoo tradition is a storehouse of powerful spells. This does include some very dark ones. Among the darkest Voodoo spells are those in the overlapping domains of revenge and justice. A revenge spell can be used to turn harm back upon someone who has wronged you. You may have experienced..

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Five Reasons Your Spells Don’t Work

As an older Houngan people often come to me when spells they have tried to cast for themselves don’t work. Similarly, clients come to me when spells cast for them by less experienced practitioners don’t work. You may have found yourself in a similar situation. You may have wondered why the spell you tried didn’t..

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Brand New Website Update

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I began this website in 2008 – after almost thirteen years of assisting clients online it was time for a modern site update. All of the traditional Voodoo spells are still available, as are custom spells and a few updated spells. I hope that the new website will be more accessible and easier for you..

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